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Jeffrey Kollbrunner - Wildlife & Nature Photography
Five week old Red Tail Hawk Baby in the nest.
Female Red Tail Hawk (Mama) collecting nest material to construct her nest on March 20, 2006, Queens, N.Y.
All photographs copyright 2000-2019 by Jeffrey Kollbrunner. All rights reserved. All unauthorized usage forbidden.
Mission:Wolf's Ambassador Wolf Program made their first visit to Queens, NY on Sunday
October 26, 2008 at the Queens County Farm Museum educating nearly 1,200 people.
Ambassador Gray Wolf Maggie from Mission:Wolf
Ambassador Wolf Abraham from Mission:Wolf
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educational value provided. No contribution is considered too small, thank you for your support.
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Bald Eagles in Queens, New York.
I have observed Immature Bald Eagles in Queens, NY over the last six years dating back to 2008.
Since September 2014 we have two Mature Bald Eagles staying in the area. I photographed this
Mature Bald Eagle above in mid October 2014. Fortunately, it stayed around through March 2015
and it has been soaring on occasion with another Mature Bald Eagle, maybe a mate, time will tell.
As of October 2015 we have one Immature and two Mature Bald Eagles in the Mid-Queens area. It
would be a wonderful story if these majestic Birds of Prey would make a comeback in our Borough
similar to the success of the Red-tailed Hawk over the last twenty years. To date, as of February
2019 this pair Bald Eagles continue to call Queens, NY their home. If you are interested in local
birding treks, the potential to observe a Bald Eagle and my photography workshops please check
my 2019 registration schedules and details at the following links Birding Treks and Photography

Gray Wolf, Wolf Conservation Center.
Earlier works:
Photo by Jeff Kollbrunner, All rights reserved.
Winter birding 2019 is upon us!
I will be updating my Bird Watching Tours soon to visit local venues in NY. Join a group and
meet new friends or consider organizing a group of your friends for a private Bird Watching
Tour. Keep an eye out for my Snowy Owl treks to be scheduled starting in early 2019.
Birding - Winter Birding is upon us!!
Snowy Owl, Jones Beach State Park.
See my Facebook Page here. Please "Like" the page for Nature News, Photos and
schedule updates for my Birding Tours, Photography Workshops and more.
Special Access Wolves Photography Workshop!
Wildlife & Nature: Photograph Live Timber Wolves and the Rare Mexican Wolves
Minimum 7 Participants, Cost $150 Dollars per participant, 2 Hour Workshop.
Date: November 13, 2016, 1:30pm to 3:30pm. All levels of expertise.
Pre-Registration Required.
Please click here to register at my on-line store for Wolves Photography Workshop.
Registration for this workshop is now closed.
Meet at the Wolf Conservation Center in South Salem NY located in Westchester County
about one hour from Queens, NY. We will photograph their ambassador wolves and be
provided special access to photograph the critically endangered Mexican wolves from
vantage points not generally available during normal visits all in a natural woodlands setting.
The session will provide two hours to a maximum of twelve participants including a brief
discussion on wolf conservation. We will learn about and photograph close-up one of the
most misunderstood and majestic species on the planet and the challenges they face today.
Photography instruction will be provided, we will apply learned techniques in the field with
personalized attention throughout the workshop while spending as much time photographing
the wolves as possible. Tripods and monopods are useful but are not a requirement. This
workshop is for all levels of expertise and will take place rain/snow or shine.